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Continued Education (CE) Resources for Registered Veterinary Technicians (RVTs)

Updated: Jul 1

I am working on getting my RVT license re-activated, It expired 4 years ago as I have not been practicing due to raising kids. Now that I want to go back to work, I have to renew my license. Due to it expiring and some extra added fees, it is going to cost me $850 to reinstate. I have been researching different CE opportunities to help me get the required 20 hours of continued education. As always, I like to record what I learn and share it with you.

To renew a non-expired RVT license, you are required to have 20 CE hours of approved continued education opportunities before the expired date every 2 years and pay the renewal fee. California Residents: you can register and pay here.

The CE requirements have limitations based on how you acquire them. 4 credits can be self-study through videotapes, listening to audio tapes, journal reading, and non-interactive online learning. Online education hours is unlimited, however, 16 hours must be interactive online education. There is a maximum of 24 hours earned through practice management courses and a maximum of 16 hours as a subject matter expert.

California Veterinary Continued Education Requirements
California Veterinary Medical Board CE

A cool way to earn CE is through academic courses. If you want to study in a college setting, you can earn 15 CE hours for a semester and 10 CE for a quarter unit. Keep in mind transcripts will be required as proof.

You can also teach a CE course once per renewal to earn CE credits. The course needs to be board-approved and meet CE guidelines.

You want to look at Approved Continued Education Providers before investing too much time and money into your CE. The first 50 minutes of study is considered 1 CE credit. and then every 30 minutes is another CE credit. To learn more about what is approved, click here.

I have listed the most popular Approved Continued Education Providers below with a direct link to their website as a great resource.

To learn more or answer a question you have, here are two great resources to get your questions answered.

Through the AAVSB Registry of Approved Continuing Education (RACE®) and continuing education tracking (RACEtrack®) programs, veterinary professionals can easily search RACE-approved programs, or track their continuing education (CE). CE providers also benefit by registering their programs efficiently through RACE.


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